Surgery: art or science?

It’s often said that surgery is more art than science. Rubbish. Too much emphasis is placed on surgeons’ technical skills and not enough on the decisions behind them. Any good …

Conversational EBM

Medicine, to paraphrase LP Hartley, is a foreign country – they say things differently there [1]. When I started out, most of the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and microbiology was, well, …

Aiming for one hundred

A few months ago, I went to a public lecture that was the best I’ve ever had the privilege to attend. The speaker was Alan Alda – Hawkeye from the …

Hacking Medical Education with FOAM

  “There’s no charge for awesomeness…” ­— Kung Fu Panda Hacking medical education!? ‘Hacking Medical Education with FOAM’… ‘What?’ I hear you whisper under your breath. A title like that …

New medical school not based on policy

About AMSA The Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is the peak representative body for medical students in Australia. AMSA connects, informs and represents students studying at each of the 20 …