Editor’s welcome

Swaranjali Jain

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

Swaranjali Jain
Editor-in-Chief, AMSJ

Welcome to Volume 8, Issue 1 of the Australian Medical Student Journal (AMSJ). In this issue, we are proud to showcase the research and perspectives of medical students and junior doctors around Australia. We are privileged to include discussions on a wide array of topics, spanning the breadth of medicine, surgery and global health and providing snapshots into developments in these continually changing fields. We hope you will find the following articles of interest and take some inspiration on how you can also push the boundaries of medicine to improve patient care, the patient experience, and public health.

We are honoured to include the insights of doctors who are changing the face of medicine in Australia and abroad in our guest articles. Dr Stewart Condon, the current President of Médecins Sans Frontières Australia, writes of his unique journey in humanitarian and remote medicine and discusses the value in challenging yourself and expanding the possibilities of what you can achieve in your career to make a meaningful difference to those in need.

We also feature outstanding guest commentaries from clinicians with decades of research experience and leaders in their respective fields on the increasing importance of practicing evidence-based medicine, given the continuing rapid expansion of research and technology. Professor Frank Bowden provides an entertaining insight into how doctors can use EBM to navigate modern medicine and make sense of information overflow to truly determine what is best for our parents. Professor Ian Harris AM writes from a surgical perspective on how surgical practice needs to have rigorous science underpinnings, which is sometimes sadly lacking for many surgical procedures even today. Professor Rakesh Kumar invites clinicians to carefully consider their rational use of diagnostic investigations, particularly pertinent for all medical students to consider as they transit on into becoming junior doctors, accountable to not only their individual patients but also the health system at large.

The AMSJ is a national peer-reviewed journal open to all medical students across Australia and once again, we are proud to highlight ar cles covering a range of issues. Sarah Yao, in her review article, looks ahead to the rise of big data in clinical research and the challenges and rewards associated with its inevitable use in the future; issues all future clinicians and researchers should be aware of. Dr Grace Leo in an original research article conducted in her medical student years provides a scholarly discussion on the impact of acquired brain injury in childhood. Our feature articles provide a range of moving perspectives on palliative care, empathy in medicine and the challenges faced in global health, and we thank our authors for contributing their perceptive insights and personal stories that we are sure will motivate and inspire you to consider the impact we can have on our patients and on a broader level as well.

Finally, on behalf of the AMSJ team, we would like to thank all of our authors, contributors, peer reviewers and sponsors who have contributed to making this issue possible. Their e orts, dedication, tenacity and generosity in volunteering their me are truly invaluable and we are most appreciative of their support. Thank you also to those working behind the scenes – our AMSJ team consisting of volunteer medical students who work tirelessly to edit, proof-read, publish, promote and finance each issue. Lastly, thank you to you, our readers – we hope you enjoy this issue and are inspired to engage in research, discussion and collaboration, so you too can push the boundaries of medicine now and throughout your careers in the future.

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